Purchase Inmate profile

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    Inmate Information

    Your Information

    Cash App

    Price List

    New Profile

    Standard One Year Profile: Includes 250 words and one photo $40
    Additional Photo: $5
    Additional Words: Each 50 words $5

    Profile Change

    Text Change: 250 word text change $5
    Photo Change: Change one photo $5 each
    Additional Photo/Artwork: $5 each
    Additional Words: Each additional 50 words $5

    Profile Renewal

    Standard Profile Renewal: Extends profile for one year. 250 words and one photo/artwork may be changed with renewal $30
    All other content remains on the site - blogs, artwork, etc.


    Blog Entry: Includes 250 word blog entry which is added to standard profile (available once you're a member) $10
    Additional Words: Each additional 50 words $5


    Poetry: Includes 250 word original poem which is added to standard profile (available once you're a member) $10
    Additional Words: Each additional 50 words $5

    Additional Profile Printouts